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What Are The Effective Test-Taking Tips For Online Students?

Are you an online student who struggles with taking tests? If so, you're not alone. Many students find that taking tests online can be a challenge. However, some effective test-taking tips can help you succeed. This blog post will discuss the most important tips for online students. Keep reading to learn more!

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Before The Online Exam: Prepare

  • Read and understand the test guidelines. Be sure you can answer these questions: Will the test take place at a specific date and time, or can you take the exam at any point during a particular window of time? How much time will you have to complete the test? Can you take the test at home, or must you take the exam in a specific location (e.g., a campus computer lab)? Are there any other important "need to know" factors outlined by the instructor?
  • Know the test format. What kinds of questions will the instructor use on the exam—multiple-choice, fill-in, short answer, essay? Perhaps a combination of various types?
  • Test yourself. If your instructor makes a practice exam available to you, take it! You may also find practice tests in your class textbook.
  • Check your computer. Avoid last-minute problems! Whether using your computer or one in a lab, verify that it has all the correct hardware and software well before the exam. Also, make sure you'll be in a location with a good Internet location.
  • Study the class materials! Even if the test is an "open book," it's still important to study and review just as if you were taking the test in a classroom.
  • Plan your time. As you test yourself, limit your time to that which will be allotted for the actual test, and decide how long you will spend on each question (e.g. if the test is one hour long, and you'll have
  • Carve out a quiet test-taking spot with minimal distractions. Please turn off all notifications from IM, your phone, email, and elsewhere (or set them to silent). Shut off the TV and radio. Let your roommates or family know that you'll be taking a test so that they're less likely to interrupt you during that time.
  • Determine when you will take the test. You may have to take the exam at a specific time; however, if the test will be available for several hours (or even a few days), choose a time that presents the least potential for distraction, interruption, and stress.
  • Gather all that you'll need to take the test. If you can have materials such as notes, books, or writing implements with you, be sure that they're set to go.
  • Take a deep breath! Once you're logged in, take a moment to relax and get focused.

Frequently Asked Questions

An online exam (also called an exam) is a great way of conducting tests and other important exams with the help of the internet. An online exam needs a device capable of accessing the internet, such as a computer or a smartphone. It can be either done at an examination centre or at home.

One of the most common types of cheating in online exams is copying and pasting the answers. Students can often copy and paste answers from documents or notepads, prepared in a separate window before the test begins.

In online exams, candidates must answer the questions in a pre-decided time frame. The test window collapses once the exam is over, and institutes get real-time reports. Evaluators assess the answers and grade accordingly. The result of online exams is then conveyed to the candidates either by email or the website.

Online exams often feel harder because you have very little (if any) flexibility in the technical environment. For example, you can't make notes on the question paper, you can't like questions together, you can't flip through pages, and it isn't easy to view multiple windows simultaneously unless you have a very large screen.

Every issue related to offline exams is addressed by online exam making is one of the best solutions to be adopted. Thus, without a doubt, online exams are far better than offline exams for any educational institute which wishes to provide good quality education to its students.

During The Online Exam: Focus

  • Keep an eye on the clock. You may want to set the alarm to notify you when you have limited time (e.g., 10 minutes) remaining in your testing period.
  • Suppose allowed by your instructor, print and save copies of the test questions, as well as your answers. These will prove extremely helpful if you have technical problems during the test or encounter issues while submitting your answers.
  • Don't leave the test page! If you are permitted to search the web or check other websites for information, do not use the same tab or copy of the browser as you do for your exam—you may lose all your work. Instead, open a second copy of your browser (or choose a completely different browser), then conduct your search.
  • Technical problems? Don't panic. But do contact your instructor immediately, detailing the exact problem that occurred and any error messages you might have received. If you can take a screenshot, that is helpful as well.
  • Check your work before you submit it. Ensure that every answer is complete and appears as you intended. Review the accuracy of your answers, as well as your spelling and grammar.
  • Click submit. You should only need to do so once but try once more if you have a problem. If you still have a problem submitting the test, let your instructor know immediately and send your intended answers in an attached document.

After The Online Exam: Review

  • Assess your progress. How do you believe you did? What questions did you find confusing? Did you have to skip anything? Return to your notes and readings, and see if you can find the answers to the questions that challenged you.
  • Check your grade. In some cases, you may be able to learn your grade immediately. However, exams with written answers will take longer for your instructor to grade, so allow some time to determine your score.
  • Ask yourself how you can improve on the next exam. Did your study strategies work? Did your plan for taking the test online prove successful? Please write down your observations and keep them in mind for the next time you take a test.

Test Taking Strategies

Before delving into the test-taking strategies outlined below, we recommend reading and familiarising yourself with proven test preparation tips and strategies for improving test performance if you haven't already.

Once you have a solid command of the subject matter and material that will be presented on your test, it's time to put in play some basic test-taking strategies that have proven effective for thousands of students. Remember, you must adapt test-taking strategies to the specific type of test you're taking.

Be Prepared

There is no substitute for preparation if you haven't studied throughout the semester. Suppose you haven't reviewed before test day. If you don't know the test material, all the test-taking strategies in the world won't save you. Preparation is key.

Spend as many hours as necessary to understand the material covered on the test well enough to achieve a high score.

Since teachers often slightly modify information on tests to determine if students understand concepts, spend time honing test-taking skills.

Listen Attentively To Last-Minute Instructions Given By The Instructor.

  • It is not uncommon for teachers to alter test details at the last minute.
  • If you miss test instructions, test-taking anxiety will increase.
  • If you miss test instructions, don't be scared to ask for instructions to be repeated.

Read The Test Directions Very Carefully And Watch For Details.

  • Test questions and directions often contain valuable information. Always read all directions carefully to ensure you understand what is being asked.
  • It is not uncommon to have two correct answers on a multiple-choice question. Pay attention to details.
  • Frequently, test instructions will notify students that they only need to complete two questions, but there will be five options.

Plan How You Will Use The Allotted Time

Take a moment to estimate how much time you'll have for each section of the test and each question. Then, allow enough time for more difficult sections or sections weighted more heavily in the final test grade.

Pace yourself so you can complete the test in the allotted time frame.

Complete the questions you know first, then come back and tackle the problems you're not sure about after.

Look For Cues

If two answers are similar, they're usually not the correct answer.

Pay attention to grammatical matching between the question being asked and the answers. It probably isn't correct if an answer seems right but doesn't match grammatically with the question. Look for cues from other questions.

Answer All The Questions

Even if you're running out of time and can answer all the questions fully, it's important to answer all questions. Many professors will give partial credit for partially completed questions or if you're able to show your work. (Note: There are some tests in college where you are docked points for guessing. However, it is rare and usually announced by the professor before the test.)

Maintain A Positive Attitude

Do not lose confidence or waste time encountering confusing or difficult questions. Instead, answer the questions you know first.

If you have no clue about the correct answer, make an educated guess if it will not count against your score.

Disregard patterns. It is probably a coincidence if a string of multiple choice answers that you know are correct is "a."

Rely On Your First Impressions

The first answer that pops into your mind is usually the correct answer. Don't change answers unless you're sure the answer you've chosen is wrong.

It may be counterproductive to review answers and make changes – especially if you struggle to get through the test.

Plan To Finish Early And Have Time For Review

Go back and answer difficult questions after answering easy ones.

Review it for spelling and grammatical errors if you must complete an essay.

Check to make sure you have completed the entire test. It is not uncommon for questions to be listed on the opposite side of a page.

Consider Every Test A Practice Session - Analyse Your Performance

It takes time and practice to develop effective test-taking skills.

To determine whether your test-taking strategies are working, take time to evaluate your performance after each test.

Be sure to take note of where you're struggling. For example, are you struggling with essays or multiple choice questions?

Condense The Content

Test questions can sometimes be long and complicated. If you have trouble finding the answer with the supplied language, summarise the question in your own words to better relate to the content. You can also look at the answers for clues about what the question is asking. There are many options to help ensure that the content of the questions is fully understood.

Eliminate Answers.

When answering a multiple-choice question, one or two answers are typically very similar in content or just don't fit. Disregard the incorrect answers and focus on your remaining choices. The process of elimination can usually help you get to the correct answer more easily than just focusing on which one is right. Identifying wrong choices makes it easier for you to think about the potentially correct choices.

Re-Read Directions And Word Problems. 

It may be an obvious statement, but many students lose test points because they misunderstand the questions. Take time to re-read your directions before choosing your answers. It is also valuable to go back and re-read the question after you have answered. It's important to look for keywords such as not, always, sometimes, most, least, etc. These words sometimes change a question's meaning—and the correct answer—and can be easy to miss. When taking tests for your online courses, be sure to understand the questions and each of the answers fully.   

In Case Of Emergency

Save A Copy Of Your Answers: Write short-answer or essay questions in Word, then copy & paste into the test. Write multiple-choice, and computation answers on paper or in a Word document. In the event of a technical glitch, you will not lose all your answers.

Use Two Browsers: If you can look information up, do so in a different web browser or device to avoid accidentally closing the test page.

Technical Problems: Notify your instructor immediately! Explain the exact problem you are experiencing and include a screenshot of any error messages. 

Prep Your Space

  • Gather any materials you can use: textbooks, notes, reference sheets, calculator etc.
  • Have scrap paper and pen/pencil available.
  • Get yourself a glass of water or a snack.
  • Use earplugs to block noise.

Check Your Tech

  • At least 24 hours in advance:
  • Install any software you need.
  • Update your browser. Does the website recommend a specific browser? If not, use Google Chrome.
  • Come up with a backup plan: What will you do if the internet stops working? What if your computer crashes?
  • 30 minutes before start:
  • Turn on your computer & check your internet connection.
  • Close any windows and programs you won't need, turn off streaming services, ask others in your household to limit internet use during this time.
  • Turn off or silence your phone.

 Find Your Zone

  • Where will you take the test?
  • Choose somewhere with a reliable internet connection.
  • Limit distractions: Turn off anything that might distract you from the test – phone, email, TV, music etc.
  • Keep it Quiet: Tell family/roommates you are taking a test and not be disturbed. Wear headphones to block out noise.

Trust But Verify

  • Check your work before hitting submit.
  • Did you answer every question?
  • Did you answer all parts of each question?
  • Confirm Submission – Do NOT close your browser or refresh the page until you know your submission was accepted. Depending on the platform, a message may appear to acknowledge submission or redirect you to a new page.

Review Test Guidelines & Format

  • When will the test take place? Do you have to take it at a specific time, or can you start at any time that day?
  • How long are you given to complete the test?
  • Where will you access the test? (Blackboard, WebAssign, Wiley etc.)
  • What kinds of questions will be on the exam? (Multiple choice, short answer, essay etc.)

Don't Waste Time.

If you are stuck on a test question, keep going and return to it later. Maintaining a steady rhythm is important when taking a test, especially when that test has time constraints. Answering simpler questions first allows you to build confidence and overview the test material. There are also many instances when later questions will help you answer earlier questions, so going back to those questions later may help you get them right.

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It's important to be aware of the different tips and techniques to help you succeed. The test-taking tips we've outlined in this post should give you a good starting point for mentally and physically preparing for your next online exam. Whether you decide to use relaxation techniques or practice testing yourself, make sure to find what works best for you and stick with it. Remember, the more prepared you are for your exams, the better chance you have of achieving your desired results. 

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